Uprated Intercooler installation
Installation of an Alisport uprated intercooler to complement the 2.8 Powerstroke.
Installation of an Alisport uprated intercooler to complement the 2.8 Powerstroke.
Adding a modification to allow remote control of the Webasto heater.
Installation of an International 2.8TGV Powerstroke engine
Added a coolant loss sensor for engine protection.
Some pictures detailing the build of an Ibex - Chris Irons Mark IV 240 HT - 7F061
Fitting a Websato auxiliary coolant heater.
The best way to beat that post-Christmas lethargy - a little greenlaning in the winter sunshine!
First off-road outing for my Ibex With the first few sunny days of the year already wasted, it was time to put the Ibex on the road for the first time. And once you have one on the road, the logical next step is to take it off the road …
Constructing a bolt-on hardtop to winterise my soft-top Ibex
What's an Ibex? A question I get asked a lot! Even the most obsessed petrolhead could be forgiven for not knowing about these vehicles, since they are pretty rare. There are probably around one hundred in existence.